Free Perth Property Reports


As part of our service, we are offering free Perth property reports. Sourced from RP Data, these reports are very helpful and informative if you are looking to purchase a property. The information you can get from the Perth property reports might be -

  • Find out how long the property has been for sale for.
  • If the asking price for the property has been reduced.
  • The previous sales data for the property you are interested in.
  • How long those listings have been for sale for, and if there has been a price reduction.
  • What other properties in the particular suburb have sold for in the last 6 months.

A really handy and useful tool, that will help you gain an insight into what the market is doing, and give you some sound back ground information that will help your research, as you look for a new home to purchase. It may even save you some money, as you will have all the market information on a particular property you may be interested in.

Depending on the property, we may be able to give you a comparative market analysis on a particular property. You may receive a computer generated valuation (this can depend on the areaa sales), so it can be a really handy tool, if you are thinking of buying a property, wanting to buy an investment property, and wanting to know how much equity you may have in your current home, or just for interest sake, to have an approximate value of your home.

I offer these property reports free. Contact Perth Mortgage Broker Group, with the address of the property, or the suburb, and I will email a report (in 'PDF' format) back to you.

If you you have any questions about our Perth Property Reports, contact Perth Mortgage Broker Group , or call Troy on 0411 229 602, 7 days a week.